OSCRE Product Roadmap

The following are the current priorities for development as part of the OSCRE IDM Product Roadmap.


IDM Governance Process 
The Product Strategy is the rallying point.
The Product Strategy is fed by a Market Scan and other OSCRE groups.
Potential projects are screened and priritized on the Prodcut Roadmap.
Projects proceed when funding is secured.
OSCRE's Product Board owns the Product Strategy and Roadmap.  
The Product Board is intended to be primarily end users.
An Advsory Group provides support from SW firms, Service Providers etc
The Product Owner drives the program and brings opportunties to the Product Board
There are 4 types (Levels) of standards projects at OSCRE.
Minor (Level 1) requests are handled as part of regular standards maintenance.
You can use the Change Request Form to initiate a change for any project.
Some projects are funded directly from membership - others are funded by Project Partners



OSCRE Standards Development Process

OSCRE's standards development process has been tried and tested over 20 years.
It ensures that key deliverables are produced, e.g. business case and process.
The approach leads to the publication of new standards for final consultation.
Each new standard is published for free and open access following industry feeback.