OSCRE International is a corporate member-based non-profit organization focused on Building your digital future in real estate™.

We are uniquely positioned to support the development and implementation of real estate data standards and effective data governance practices using the OSCRE Industry Data ModelTM (IDM). This data model has been developed in collaboration with real estate industry representatives from member organizations around the world.  Our corporate members include Fortune 500 firms, government agencies, mid-size and small businesses, as well as start-ups and even a unicorn or two. They recognize that data standards are critical to successfully implement emerging technologies and drive better performance for multiple stakeholders in the real estate industry.

“Hines’ corporate membership in OSCRE is a small financial investment to proactively address the challenges of data management within our highly fragmented industry through the development of common standards with players across the data value chain. We’re particularly interested in the potential benefits of working with the recently developed energy and water standards within OSCRE’s Industry Data Model™, and have been piloting data exchange using those standards  between disparate software providers.”

Adam Hastings, Chief Data Officer

Click here to learn why your organization should become an OSCRE corporate member today!

Click here to Join OSCRE 


Explore OSCRE Corporate Membership Opportunities


Executive Members, Association Partners, Industry Partners and Supporting Partners received the enhanced benefits shown in the table below. 


All OSCRE corporate members receive the following benefits listed below. Membership levels also provide additional benefits, please compare the additional benefits in the comparision chart below.

  • Easy access to the OSCRE Real Estate Industry Data ModelTM, real estate technology standards with fast and easy registration.
  • Deploy OSCRE Standards - Data Model, Use Cases, Schemas, Classifications and more.
  • Collaborate with peers to develop and enhance data standards based on your business.
  • Resource Library - case studies, white papers,  webinars, accompanying  playbacks and slide decks.
  • Share perspectives on business issues and build valuable relationships in our knowledge sharing events.
  • Attend OSCRE webinars on important industry topics.
  • Build skills with training and support and assess your real estate data governance maturity.
  • Address industry challenges through workgroups, committees and advisory boards.
  • Serve as a change leader on the board, committees and workgroups.
  • Identify your company as a supporter of global real estate technology standards.

Our members include real estate owners, occupiers and investors, and the software firms, consultants and service providers who work with them. Contact us for more information.

Not ready for OSCRE membership? Click here to register with OSCRE and stay in touch