These OSCRE IDM Implementation Guidelines are intended to provide some context and guidance for how to implement the OSCRE Industry Data ModelTM (IDM) in a variety of situations. Companies implementing the OSCRE standards (IDM) have found it relatively easy to combine this methodology into their digital transformation initiatives and their own project management methodology for data related projects. We hope you find this useful.

IDM Implementation Guidelines 
 Click here to download or view your copy of the OSCRE IDM Implementation Guidelines
 Implementation Tips
  • Agile implementation techniques mean you can get results quickly and adjust over time.
  • Build standards in from the beginning - it is as strategic as it is operational.
  • Functional and business involvement is critical in the early stages, especially around data definitions and the data dictionary.
  • The OSCRE Industry Data ModelTM has been instrumental in building a "Single Source of Truth" for the information that drives business at every level.