What is the Council of 100?

OSCRE launched the Council of 100 in 2018, convening a group of diverse industry change leaders to accelerate progress for better data strategies and business practices. A focus on driving efficiency and performance throughout their organizations and the industry is common ground. These gatherings bring together fund managers, corporate owners, occupiers and the external business partners who work with them to discuss industry priorities and collaborate to address them. 
The priority established for 2022/2023 was the Environmental Data Standards Initiative. The first phase focused on energy data management  and was completed in 2023 with five new use cases added to the OSCRE Industry Data Model™. This project continues in 2024 with the second phase focused on water. Consistent and accurate environmental data is critical for decision making, reporting progress for annual reports and external benchmarking platforms like GRESB as well as expanding regulatory reporting mandates. The approach to this project is platform-agnostic, with participation from investment fund managers, corporate occupiers and owners, service providers, software developers and consultancies to improve collection, analysis and reporting of data. Innovation requires better data management and improved capabilities to advance at an accelerated pace. The Council of 100 employs a variety of formats in a series of sessions that are designed to build a roadmap for action.
The Council of 100 topics include: 
Environmental Data Standards Initiative
Data aggregation and integration
Building digital competencies for the real estate asset lifecycle
Net zero by 2050 - aspirational or attainable? 
The new ROI = Return on InnovationThe 3 C's of Sustainability
  • Commitment of resources
  • Communication across the organization
  • Collaboration with internal and external business partners
Interested in becoming a Council of 100 corporate member? Please contact us.
Some OSCRE Council of 100 members...
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OSCRE's Collaboration with Industry Associations:


OSCRE Association Members: