Are you taking advantage of your OSCRE corporate membership?
If your organization is a OSCRE corporate member benfits at the Executive, Industry, Association, Supporting or Small business membership, don't forget to take advantage of your yearly complimentary on-demand OSCRE Academy courses. Contact us today to enroll.



OSCRE Membership – Build Your Digital Future in Real EstateTM

OSCRE International is a talented international community of professionals focused on the development and implementation of information exchange standards for the real estate industry. Information is the new currency. Membership in OSCRE International provides you and your organization with access to a variety of benefits including intellectual property that you won’t find anywhere else. As a corporate member, you and your team members receive access to:

  • Full access to the OSCRE Industry Data Model TM and associated toolkit
  • Accompanying "How-to" videos to help you review and implement the Industry Data Model TM
  • Complimentary OSCRE Academy enrollments for corporate members at the Supporting membership level and higher (other restrictions apply).
  • Attend OSCRE Webinars including access to webinar playbacks and slides decks
  • Case studies and Whitepapers

And much more

OSCRE Members have a variety of titles, responsibilities and experience. They are senior leaders, middle managers and those who are new to the industry who share a common interest – improving the quality of the information that drives their business and improves performance.

As an OSCRE Member, you are encouraged to participate in the development of real estate information standards that advance the industry and extend the OSCRE Industry Data ModelTM.  This Data Model enables organizations to improve the quality of the information that drives your business and eases the transfer of information between you and your business partners. 

We have a variety of corporate membership options available to meet your organization’s needs. Click here to see membership options.

Click here to learn why your organization should become an OSCRE corporate member today!

If your organization is a corporate member, and you have not registered with OSCRE click here to register for access to the member section of the website.
We're here to help. If you have any difficulties with member registration, email us at membership@oscre.org